Centennial College & Career Center
Letters of Recommendations
You may find that you need a letter of recommendation (or a few) for certain college or scholarship applications. These letters are usually written by your teacher, a coach, club sponsor, or anyone else that can comment of your academic ability, work ethic, and other characteristics.
In order to request a letter of recommendation, please:
Contact the person, asking if it is possible for them to write the letter.
Give them AT LEAST two weeks before the deadline to write the letter.
Let them know what the deadline is, as well as the way to submit the letter.
Give them a resume or a Senior Info Sheet for reference (this is REQUIRED if you would like a counselor to write a letter for you). The video to the right can help you to find where the Naviance Resume Builder and Senior Info Sheet can be found.
(Highly Recommended) Write them a thank you note.